Today we are talking with Christi Warr about the benefits of outdoor play. Christi is a native of Utah and a wife and mother of three amazing young adults. They have helped her discover her passion for teaching and embracing neurodiversity. She is celebrating the 22nd anniversary of Dirt Learning, a program she founded and operated in her backyard. She is passionate about teaching individuals of all ages, from preschoolers to adults, in various capacities. Her main goal is to support people in enjoying play, understanding their physical bodies, and gaining skills to help them understand their emotions.
Christi spends much of the school day outside with her students, rain, shine, or snow! She encourages children to “be brave” as they learn about using their bodies in various types of play in the outdoors.
Christi’s Favorites:
This is the book Christi references in the episode–it is well worth the read!
“We love Reima mittens. I am buying a classroom set this year. They are waterproof and lined. We add a small cheap lined mitten under them to layer and stay warm in the colder months.”
“Reima makes our favorite mud suit. We find them cheaper at Sierra.”
Additional options for rainsuits: Target, Amazon, Amazon
Follow Christi @dirtlearning