Laura is a former public school teacher turned entrepreneur, passionate about play-based learning and storytelling. As the founder of Little Stories That Stick and host of the Stories That Stick podcast, she brings a wealth of experience to her work. In the past year, Laura has expanded her horizons, venturing into the realm of tech consulting and digital business manager. With a growing list of clients in the Early Childhood digital business world, Laura thrives on helping others succeed in their ventures. When she’s not immersed in website design and copywriting, Laura can be found outdoors, storytelling with her own children, and fostering a love for nature. Embracing unschooling for her own children, Laura is bravely unlearning over a decade’s worth of experience within the public school system. Her dedication to play-based learning and community building led her to co-create the Nature & Play-Based Consortium, a thriving virtual community for caregivers worldwide.
Laura’s Suggested Resources:
Podcast: Stories That Stick Podcast
Website: Little Stories That Stick
Instagram: Little Stories That Stick
Free Training: Understanding the Science of Reading in Relation to Child-led Play